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The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

  • Dec 7, 12:00 am
The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

This photo captures a cafeteria undisturbed, prior to the recent lockdown.

Former KS student experiences school shooting

Erissa Strong, Illustrator Editor December 19, 2024

Susahna-Michelle “Ahna” Santos, a former Kamehameha Schools student, now attends Menchville High School in Newport News, Virginia– and the contrast between the safety of Kamehameha versus the safety...

Senior Mahie Kaleleiki places her dots according to artist Solomon Enos’ instructions.  Students from the World Poetry Seminar class visited the Capitol in October to assist Enos with this special project.

World Poetry Seminar students visit state capitol

Ka Moi Staff December 12, 2024
      As an alternative to the original water that was said to have even leaked in Capitol offices, the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) selected Solomon Enos to create a waterless pool design.       Problems with water date back to the opening of the Capitol in 1969.  As...
Kula Gaughen-Haili officially begins principalship on Dec. 8.

New principal officially named

Kamoi Staff December 12, 2024

Kula Gaughen-Haili was announced as principal of the high school on Nov. 27, 2024 in a school-wide email from Pookula Taran Chun. Gaughen-Haili currently serves as the interim principal of the high school,...

Junior Noah Brooks (left) and senior Kaydn Ito proudly display their national awards earned in the Student Media Contests that was held in Kansas City, Missouri last week.

KS Photojournalist wins top honor at National Convention

April 10, 2024

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  For senior Kaydn Ito, his picture was worth the top award and the praises from judges and peers at the National High School Journalism Convention...

SAT and AP Testing Goes Digital

SAT and AP Testing Goes Digital

Kaydn Ito, Reporter January 29, 2024

Since 1952, students have filled in bubbles and written essays exclusively on paper exams for their SAT and AP tests. However, in 2024, the SAT and a select number of AP courses will be going online. College...

KS Students Spread Aloha Around the World

KS Students Spread Aloha Around the World

Noah Brooks (ʻOhu), Reporter January 29, 2024

EF (Educational Foundations) Tours is a student travel program that allows students to experience a new perspective on the world, and Kamehameha Schools had been using this program for years to...

Kamehameha haumāna and staff after their first day of the convention.

Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Convention

Mikala Akiona, Reporter November 9, 2023

Hui after hui, oli after oli, numerous civic clubs filed into the room, signaling the beginning of the 64th Annual Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention's plenary session. Members of Kamehameha...

Reslife Happenings

Reslife Happenings

Paul Aguzar-Taitague, Reporter October 19, 2023

As the spooky season of October arrives, the Reslife program plans many activities for the students. A haunted house is planned to be set up in Kaleiopapa hale, with the help of haumāna volunteering in...

Yap Virtual Exchange

Yap Virtual Exchange

Paris Kekua, Reporter October 17, 2023

On Oct. 22023, the first high school virtual knowledge, Pacific exchange between Kamehameha-Kapālama and Yap Catholic School, initiated.  Serving Hoʻokahua Cultural Vibrancy Division of Kamehameha...

Vice President Addis Belay holds awards from the first Speech and Debate tournaments.

Kamehameha Speech and Debate Team Secures this Year’s First Awards

Christian Nakihei, Reporter October 17, 2023

"Our Speech and Debate team won the award for the largest number of superiors at this year's first speech tournament on September 30 and the highest percentage of wins award at the first debate tournament...

Picture of Washington State University campus

KS Graduate Talks Idaho Murder Case

Courtney Mann, Staff Reporter February 23, 2023

Early morning of Nov. 13, around 4 a.m., the University of Idaho students Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen, and Kaylee Goncalves were brutally murdered in their six-bedroom house not far from...

Posters of the new science electives can be found around campus.

Course Catalog Expands to Add New Science Classes

Logan Houghtailing, Editor in Chief January 30, 2023

With a wider array of options than ever before, high school haumāna can anticipate more academic opportunities better tailored to their interests.  The newly revamped course catalog for the 2023-2024...

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