Laptop Restrictions 2021-2022

Poster of new YouTube restrictions for students

With a new school year comes new laptop restrictions for students.

Laptop restrictions are put in place so all students can continue to practice good digital citizenship. Inappropriate use of any KS devices will result in disciplinary action, according to the KS handbook.

Following the KS handbook for the school year 2021-2022, students may not use KS devices and/or school emails to register or access any social media networks. Using KS devices for entertainment purposes, such as YouTube, is also not permitted.

In addition to this, it is encouraged to limit the use of the KS system to educational purposes only rather than personal use. Students also may not use their school email accounts for any non-related school activities.

Only software that is assigned by KS may be used, no personal software that may interfere with the KS system. Along with this, students are not allowed to connect any unauthorized equipment to the devices to perform inappropriate activities.

Keep in mind that content transmitted over the KS network is able to be monitored intermittently for educational purposes, meaning that the information is not necessarily private or confidential.

Not following the guidelines for proper use of the KS system can lead to the conduction of periodic inspections to enforce the rules stated in the handbook.

For more information please refer to the KS handbook or contact [email protected].